Our Introduction to Crop Circle Geometry Workshop is hosted by Geoff Fitzpatrick (Sacred Geometry Academy) and Karen Alexander (Temporary Temples).
Everyone knows the vital role that geometry plays in the crop circle phenomenon. It is the very language of the crop circles. Some of the deepest insights into the intent and meaning of the phenomenon comes from our analysis of the shapes, proportions and numbers encoded onto the fabric of the crop circles.
Our workshop is designed to get everyone speaking this incredible language together. We look at the basic principles involved, then widen to look at what we might learn from that and how.
The workshop is designed for both beginners and the morse experienced, so don't worry, we won't bamboozle you! It is our fervent hope to get more people involved in the geometric exploration of the crop circles. This workshop
could help you begin your own journey and it will certainly help you understand more fully the types of analysis you might read on our website and elsewhere.
We look at Squaring the Circle, Phi
(The Golden Section/Fibonacci), Pi and their roles in the geometry of the crop circles. We will also look at the Infolding of Number in Space, the ways in which geometry evolves from the 'point' on the page into multiplicity and dimensionality.
There is also a fantastic opportunity to draw-along with Geoff and Karen. You don't have to do this - you can just watch, but if you already have a compass and you'd like to have a go - we set up a camera so you can see the drawing exercise while the hosts draw live and you can follow along easily if you wish. We allow plenty of time and you can ask questions as we go
When you book for the workshop, you will find an introductory video on the conference Google Drive for you to watch, which takes you through some drawing geometry basics that you
might find useful before the event. There is also a PDF detailing the basic drawing equipment you'll need if you want to draw with us. You will also get access to a recording of the workshop, so you can go back and watch again whenever you'd like.
This workshop is about bringing people together, equipping them and empowering them to
join in the work of better understanding the crop circle phenomenon.
We hope you'll join our online community and take this journey with us!