For many people the crop circles represent a
beautiful art form, perhaps a mystery, something that is nostalgically evoked by sultry summer days, fields of warm golden wheat, the smell of meadowsweet on the air, the burbling chatter of lapwings in the high blue vault of the sky. Some may even take a annual summer weekend trip to the Wiltshire, or Hampshire countryside to visit with whatever circles they may find. To sit in a circle is a rare experience, where you may sit in either deep contemplation alone, or in deep conversation with
other fellow pilgrims – communing with the rhythms of nature – while simultaneously reaching-up to contemplate the cosmos. It’s a beautiful thing to do, almost like prayer to all that is scared and mysterious in the world.
For those familiar with the
phenomenon, it’s easy to forget the visual power of the circles; their stark commanding alienness amongst our soft, curving hillsides and expansive rolling fields. Here is something, that putting it plainly, should not be here. Like a giant finger coming down from above and leaving its print on the landscape. The circles are at first encounter completely incongruent, they present us with an abstract orderliness of form, in marked contrast to the seemingly easy, rambling composition of nature
herself. Here is a level of order imposed upon us, that is at once as arresting to the mind as as it is alluring to the eye.
Some are simply unmoved by the circles, some just mildly curious however, for some, their first encounter with the crop circles is a completely different affair, simply put, they feel ‘A Call’. For these souls, this isn’t about a brief weekend in the sunshine, its a ground shaking,
perspective compromising, force of energy delivered straight to the heart. In that single heartbeat they are forever changed. I have heard this story so many times I have literally lost count, for those that are naturally attuned it can annihilate the world for just a fraction of a second, and return you to a reality in which your centre of gravity its altered. Forever. The circles phenomenon shocks us out of our everyday, then it casts a wide net to capture all those who hear The