Saturday 15th October 2022
Lecture 1: Marièn Grace
Time: 5.00 – 6.30pm BST
This lecture will be recorded if you can't join us on the day.
Marién Grace: Crop
Circles, Alchemy, and Transformation
Marién will be speaking on Alchemy, on the understanding of the alchemical nature of our present moment, with the support of the imagery, symbols (and intent?) found in the crop circle record. Our current junction in history is a moment of great import, so Marién is not going to hold back! Can you allow the
crucible to act on you? Do the crop circles give us counsel on how best to weather this crucification, or on how to transcend the process? Marién is a spiritual counsellor who recognizes the alchemical language in many interlaced fields of reference: geometry, physics, chemistry, psychology, relationships, number, astrology, embodiment, cosmic spacetime… and she says Yes, there is counsel in the crop circle record. It is her passion to share and engage, heal and grow, with deep Respect and
Nurturance in the dojo of the Living Arts. If this seems cryptic, hopefully by the end of her talk this will all be more accessible!
Marién Grace is a long-time crop circle researcher and
the founder and director of the Bay Area Crop Circle Study Group. Through this forum she studies the implications of the mysterious phenomenon known as crop circles. Marién is an accomplished speaker on the subject, always focusing through the lens of consciousness. A graduate with a Bachelor of Fine Arts from California Institute of the Arts, Marién Grace uses the arts for expressing her study of meaning and dynamics, now being fed by her passion for the fundamental dive into Sacred